

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Updated 7/4/2024

The iGolf Tee Times System

 Frequently asked Questions.

It is important to learn how to use the iGolf tee sheet sign up process to reserve play dates.  To help ease the process and reduce errors let’s review answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

Q. Why did we change to the iGolf system in 2022?

The old Tee Times System was based on an Excel spreadsheet that was developed in house many years ago. It was free and at the time very effective. As time went by and the Club membership grew, problems developed that made it increasingly difficult to use including system crashes. It got to the point that the reliability of the system was in doubt.

In 2020 and early 2021 a search was undertaken to find a suitable replacement for our system. After many hours and days of searching, we discovered the iGolf System. It is an independent Tee Times management system that we could get a license to use. It cured all the issues that had plagued the Club for many years. The cost was reasonable, and yearly maintenance is easily affordable. We now have a professionally designed and maintained tee time reservation system.

Q. Are there any differences in the way we use it from the old system?

Yes, one significant change is that a password is required to sign in. This ensures that only active members in good standing have access to the system.  Current and New members are given a username and temporary password to sign in. Once you successfully sign in, you will need to change your temporary password to your own permanent password for system security.

Making tee times has also changed slightly.  Once you select a time block, you have 4 minutes to book yourself or group and SAVE BOOKING.  After 4 minutes, if you have not hit SAVE BOOKING you will be unable to complete the booking in that time slot and it will be open to others.  But you can access another time slot and book yourself or group but also must act within a 4-minute time frame.  The tee time reservation is not saved until you hit the SAVE BOOKING icon to complete your booking.

Q. What is a Buddy List?

Your BUDDY LIST is a list of players that you often play with on a regular basis. It can be any number of members. This feature makes your booking of tee times easier and quicker. You can create your iGolf BUDDY LIST by going to the drop down menu in the "hamburger" () in the upper right corner of the Teesheet screen and clicking on BUDDY LIST. You enter a player name in your Buddy List by typing the first 3 letters of the last name and choose your buddy’s name from a dropdown list of members. Highlight and click on the name and it is brought over to your BUDDY LIST. When you enter iGolf to make a tee time, this list is brought up as a starting list for assembling your group.  Click on the names of the people you want in your group and click SAVE BOOKING in the upper left and your tee time is made.

Q. Can anyone change my tee time?

Once the Equitable Draw (lottery) has run for the upcoming month and times have been published, or after you have hit SAVE BOOKING if signing up after the lottery has been completed, no one other than you can change it.  Other members that you signed up in your group can delete themselves but no one else. You have the ability, as the BOOKING Member, to delete anyone in your group or the entire group. A system ADMINISTRATOR can go in and make changes but will only do so at your request.


A BOOKING MEMBER is the member that books a tee time for up to 4 players.  When you enter a time cell, your name is automatically placed in the first slot. So, there is no need to enter yourself again. You can hit SAVE BOOKING to reserve for yourself alone or continue to assemble a group (2, 3, or 4 players) then hit SAVE BOOKING.  The BOOKING MEMBER can enter and can delete the group or any member of the group.

Q. I’m a single, how can I join other groups?

You have a couple of options. You can either enter the Equitable Draw (Lottery) as a single, or wait until the Equitable draw for the month is completed and then find an available slot on the tee sheet at a time convenient to you and enter your name. To be better assured of getting a time convenient to you, entering the Equitable Draw is recommended. The monthly open entry period is typically a Sunday-Tuesday period about 2 weeks prior to beginning of a month,

After the lottery has run for a particular month, tee sheets will remain open until the Thursday before the upcoming week of play.  If you want to look for a single slot or change the assignment you received for a particular date, you access the tee sheet and look for a time with an open slot (the time will be dark green when a slot or slots are open). Click on that tee time and you will be placed in the vacant slot. You hit SAVE BOOKING and you are confirmed.

Q. How will I know that a TIME SLOT is occupied?

The system will tell you that the time slot is locked. This means that someone accessed the time slot before you and is making tee times. They have 4 minutes to make and save their bookings. Once they have left, the time slot will reopen, and if the time is still dark green you will be able to enter but will only be able to make tee times for the remaining open slots.

Q. How will I be notified of tee times that I make and any changes?

When a lottery is completed, the results will be viewable in iGolf and members will be notified via email that the tee sheets are posted.  You can always see what tee times you've received by going to the "hamburger" menu () in iGolf and checking the My Teetimes link. You will be notified of any changes or cancellations in your group. You will also receive a reminder email about the booking several days prior to playing.

Q. How will the opening of the Tee Sheets be handled?

The process of opening the Tee Sheets is now handled through an Equitable Draw (lottery) system. Approximately 2 weeks before the first of a new month we will unlock the play days you can sign up for. We will unlock the entire month at that time, typically 8 or 10 dates per month. You will be advised by EMAIL of the opening date and time of the lottery.  Typically, bids for the lottery are accepted from 9 am Sunday through 5 pm Tuesday.  The Lottery is run Tuesday evening and results posted in iGolf on Wednesday afternoon.  After posting lottery results, tee sheets remain open until noon on the Thursday before the upcoming week of play so those who did not participate in the lottery can enter their name(s) in open slots on the tee sheet.  Once closed the tee sheets are forwarded to the course so preparations can be made for our upcoming play.  If you want to make changes or add your name to a tee sheet after it is locked, you must contact our Golf Coordinator - Bob Odmark.

Q. Someone else has signed me up for a Tee Time but I need to Cancel. What should I do?

You could notify the BOOKING MEMBER (who signed you up) and they can remove you. You can go on the Tee Sheet and remove yourself. Go to the iGolf login on the Arlington Seniors website (arlingtonseniorsgolfclub.org) and go to the date booked. You will see your name with a red X next to it. Simply hit the X and your name is removed. You will notice that you are not able to delete anyone else but yourself.

Q. How do I sign up guests?

A guest can be invited to play twice a month. They must play in the group with the BOOKING MEMBER. When you are in the Booking screen, below the MEMBERS list is a space to sign up a guest. A dropdown menu will allow you to enter their name, email address and gender. You then hit ADD GUEST and then hit Save Booking when you’re finished. If they need to cancel, you will be responsible for deleting them.


There are introductory/training videos on the Main Menu of our club website that show some of the screens and processes helpful in utilizing iGolf.


END – Play Golf