Recent changes to the sign-up sheet procedure included new policies regarding pace of play requirements when signing up early. Below is the logic and justification for these changes as well as a policy extension to encourage all players regardless of sign-up time to play at the same pace. Following that are the procedures we will put into effect.


The 4 1/2 hour rule (or golf course policy whichever is shorter - see below) will remain in effect for early golfers. If groups sufficiently exceed the time the ASGC Coordinator has authorization to drop the individuals back to later starting times in future weeks.

The ASGC Coordinator has the flexibility to take into account cart path only requirements (whole course or some holes) and degree of course difficulty.

The determination to play golf in 4 1/2 hours or less is an objective of ASGC for all players, not just those signing up in the first 1 1/2 hours. Regarding early groups this is a requirement and for the remaining groups it's an important goal.

All golf courses in the area, that we are aware of, have policies that require golfers to play in less than 4 1/2 hours. Some are 4 1/4 hours and a few private courses insist on 4 hours or less for golfers with an early tee time.

The main point is it's a combined golf course policy and ASGC requirement, and courses want faster play because it produces more income. ASGC wants our members to enjoy the game and not stay on the course longer than needed due to heat, weather and some age related limitations like fatigue etc.

FACT: ASGC has lost many members or potential members due to actual slow play or though our bad pace of play reputation. In addition, the courses lose money when slow play prevents them from sending out, and even attracting, non-ASGC golfers on days when we are playing. Also, members who belong to these courses have complained about the pace of play by ASGC golfers. In short, slow play negatively affects our own enjoyment of the game and our ability to maintain relationships with the courses we would like to play.

Individuals /groups that significantly fail or refuse to meet these policies have two choices: play at the bottom of the tee sheet or join another seniors group.


Early groups failing to reach 4 1/2 hours (or course requirement) will be notified by email and will be pushed back on all future sign-up sheets to after 9 AM. The extent that groups are pushed back after 9 AM depends on the degree of exceeding the time policy. Extreme times will push the individuals/groups to the bottom of the sheet.

The ASGC Coordinator will continue to marshal the course when time permits and will also check front nine times ( 2 hours 15 minutes) when clearing the 9th green. He will ask groups if necessary to speed it up or require groups that are more than one hole behind to skip a hole (and recording a par).

We will stress more than ever that active marshaling be present and the marshals will have the same authority to force groups to skip a hole.

Our goal is to eventually reach the goal of adhering to golf courses policy by playing as close to a 4 1/2 hour round as possible for ALL GOLFERS.

When possible the course will provide a special scorecard which will show every group time-wise where they should be on all holes. Each group should record their finishing time and turn the card in to the pro shop.

The board has approved two new procedures to speed up play. When reaching double bogey pick up and record a triple. When inside the leather on a regulation size putter, pick it up, it's good.

If members have questions or concerns regarding the above, please bring them to the attention of our golf coordinators or league officers.