iGolf Training Videos

Here are links to several training videos to help you get started with iGolf.

Welcome to iGolf Introductory Video

 Click Here

Below are links to 2 videos to get your started with iGolf.   We encourage you, especially new members, to view both videos 1 & 2 and then go on the system and sign in.   We have provided temporary passwords for everyone to log in the first time.  Be sure to change your password, as shown in the first video.

1.   Logging in & starting your iGolf account:  Click Here  

2.  Making a Buddy List & Tee Times:  Click Here 

Once you've successfully logged into iGolf, you're ready to book a tee time.  Next, Video 3 will provide guidance on booking a tee time using the Lottery system.  Video 3 is also a good refresher at the beginning of a new season.  

3.  iGolf Lottery Booking Training Video: Click Here 

Check iGolf FAQ's for additional helpful information.

If you are having any problems, email Bernie Dennis at berniedennisjr@gmail.com  or Frank Sauer (for Apple platforms) at frank.sauer@me.com .  They will assist you through it.